Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
3066 TPA 2,264 19
ULH EK 2024 2,264 18
Vriendengroep met kids 2,264 19
Zwetsclub 2,264 9
3099 Allianz Euro24 2,263 19
Beunhaas EK poule 2,263 16
Blogmama 2,263 18
Bosma's EKpoules 2024 2,263 8
Campernet 2,263 11
CBR RG 2,263 23
Centen wil ik zien 2,263 10
De alwetende Zwaantjes Poule!! 2,263 11
De Grote ONC Clauslaan EK Poule 2,263 21
De kazerne 2,263 9
Dé Tielbeke & Friends voetbalpoule 2,263 9
De_derde_helft 2,263 18
DejimaEK24 2,263 21
d'n Boeij 2,263 16
Durendal 2,263 17
EK 2024 - LCG 2,263 26
EK 2024 Hala 2,263 20
EK in Sevilla 2,263 6
EK poule reservebank 2,263 8
Familie van Rooijen 2,263 10
Fontys Sport en Bewegen 2,263 24