Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
4054 fam langen 2,036 11
FC in zak en as 3 2,036 25
Fokus Bodehof EK2024 Pool 2,036 13
Geldrop EK poule 2,036 11
Heemskerk Koeien 2,036 23
Hofsnorretjes 2,036 5
Hot networks poule 2,036 12
Houten 6 2,036 12
HZN 2,036 12
Ilionx Zwolle 2,036 12
Kinderspel 2,036 17
Kok Chan 2,036 15
Kratje 2,036 16
Labzwansen 2024 2,036 44
Lasmotec 2,036 21
Le soleil 1 Futsal 2,036 15
Minder tranen, meer lachen 2,036 10
Mondiaen sportwereld 2,036 18
MyWay 2,036 14
Nostradamus 2024 2,036 23
Oevers 2,036 12
Oranje@Zuid33 2,036 20
Parbo Classic 2,036 13
Peursum 3 2,036 14
Pip en Soof 2,036 8