Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
4229 Vergeten te scoren 2,223 16
Vijfje 2,223 8
YMCA 2,223 22
4270 5 euro per week 2,222 5
Ballen met de boys 2,222 12
Boretti EK poule 2024 2,222 19
Centennium EK Poule 2024 2,222 19
Club Niehof 2,222 12
Donderdagavond battle 2,222 12
Dostlar meclisi 2024 2,222 13
DutchBoxx 2,222 9
Dutchboxx EK 2,222 9
DWG 2,222 36
EK 2024 CXX Amstelveen 2,222 30
Ek 2024 Peijs/Trines 2,222 9
Ek der Vole Venkes 2,222 15
EK poule Transvision 2,222 23
EK poule vv Uffelte 2,222 11
EK2024DG 2,222 11
Eticoll 2,222 12
Familie Bogaard 2,222 8
Focus ‘07 JO13-2 2,222 17
Gezellige Poule EK 2024 2,222 12
Gouwerok’s EK 24 2,222 18
Group of Death 2,222 7