Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
5727 Familie X EK 2024 🧡⚽️🏟️ 2,097 9
FC Penninga 2,097 16
Globen personeel 2,097 23
HDB pouleh 2,097 8
Hokke poule 2,097 10
Hoogewerf Engineering 2,097 18
Hopmannekess 2,097 13
Huet wint ek 2,097 17
KdW EK 2024 2,097 15
KGB 40+🤪 2,097 14
Koninklijke Sanders 2,097 10
Lab HGV 2,097 9
Leeuwen kampioen 2,097 9
Lockhorst 2,097 9
Lost memes 2,097 9
Maarsen Groep EK24 2,097 13
Midweekje verkjensieee 2,097 7
MyWay 2,097 14
Niekerk 2,097 15
Ome wutru 2,097 11
Personeelsvereniging Exotech 2,097 23
Primos 2,097 14
Qualily EK poule 2,097 26
Rouweler 2,097 13
RWE Utrecht EK 24 2,097 17