Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
6120 Collega's Fulfilment 1,864 15
Copa Americaaa 2024 1,864 7
Cv de Dronkedaorissen EK poule 1,864 11
De Community EK Poule 2024 1,864 24
De Zuipschuit 1,864 11
Dekkers + kolde kante 1,864 12
DirFIn-EK-2024 1,864 18
DLP 1,864 17
Donna United 1,864 12
Dream Team Orange 🧡🦁 1,864 19
DWX Office 1,864 8
Eekapoel24 1,864 11
EK Poule Strijders 1,864 8
Ek tingie 1,864 7
EK WC Connie 1,864 12
EK.033 1,864 13
EK2024 Toto 1,864 7
EK24 poule! 1,864 6
EK3600 1,864 8
Euromex 2024 1,864 10
Faas Psychologie 1,864 11
Familie Damen 1,864 6
Familie en co EK Poule 1,864 8
Familie pool 1,864 6