Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
6733 Snoek 2,174 13
Studio 100 extreme 2,174 8
SVC 0-23 2 2,174 15
Thuus Mulder 2,174 6
UEFA Champions League 2,174 9
Van der Eijk 2024 2,174 19
Voorspelling EK 2024 2,174 16
WSV 3 EK 2024 2,174 17
6780 43 kij YEEEEHAAAA 2,173 8
AA CARDS EK 2024 2,173 14
Arkelse Iconen 2,173 15
B7 soccerpoule 2,173 24
Bruurkes 2,173 5
De Dello's 2,173 12
De Rode Kaart 2,173 6
Dutch giants 2,173 13
EK 2024 fam. zooitje ongeregeld 2,173 8
Ek 2024 ISW 2,173 6
EK 2024 Robertpack 2,173 14
EK Frankfurt 2,173 7
Eredivisie ouleh smeh 2,173 6
''Eredivisieverstand'' 2,173 7
Etienne likt leguanen 2,173 13
Fam Van Baar EK voetbalpoule 2,173 12
Familie Rosss 2,173 8