Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
7659 EK Legends 2024🦁 2,154 8
EKaassouffle 2,154 10
Engage Process 2,154 10
ERI CL 2024/2025 2,154 13
Familie huijzendveld ek poule 2,154 28
Finish Profiles EK poule 2,154 12
Hatsekidee. AaaPeeVee doet ook mee ! 2,154 20
Hope&Loos 2,154 7
Jetzt geht's los! 2,154 15
Kompe pool 2,154 19
Loozies 2,154 6
PSP EK 2024 2,154 12
Schräle Arsch🇩🇪 2,154 6
SIOS vr1 in ORANJE 2,154 16
Sjaus Party Poule 2,154 8
STAC EK poule 2,154 27
Stuiver EK poule 2,154 14
Team Nobilis 2,154 10
The Pixel-EC-Pool 2,154 10
TMV 2,154 9
TOM/LWT 2,154 10
UNIS EK2024 2,154 7
wadi league 2,154 14