Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
8632 Poule van de Illusies 1,960 9
RKDSO EK-POULE 2020 1,960 9
RWB 5 Poule EK 2024 1,960 7
Schade Deutschland - Remember’88! 1,960 7
Schulte & Lestraden 1,960 17
ServicetoolsEK 1,960 14
Sinterklaas met Boef 1,960 8
Stichting van Hoogwaarden 1,960 7
Svenergy EK poule 2024 1,960 8
Team Dreumex 1,960 14
The teachers and kids 1,960 10
UNIS 1,960 5
Voetbal Arieesss 1,960 9
VSGVU Merlijn 1,960 15
Youngster EK 1,960 29
Zaufen EK Poule 2024 1,960 5
Zwervers 5 en fans 1,960 13
8693 . 1,959 14
4-Murmel 1,959 20
Âlde Smelneborrelaaars 1,959 9
Algemene zakenpool 1,959 10
Appie EK poule 1,959 10
Autoverpauperaars 1,959 11
Ayundo EK poule 1,959 11
Bahlkankhoer 1,959 10