Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
12874 Ajax Legends 1,750 7
Baddies4Life 1,750 10
Barbie 1,750 10
Beunhazen poule 1,750 9
Bitchboyss 1,750 7
Bitmetric 1,750 6
Bro(uwers) B.V. 1,750 9
Burghardttechniek 1,750 9
De gozers poule 1,750 5
De Scouts 1,750 8
Dobbermans bv 1,750 17
EK 24 Lan 1,750 5
EK klas 1A 1,750 18
Ek poule 123 1,750 10
EK poule Kuper 1,750 5
Ek poule LZK 1,750 10
Fam. Flodder 1,750 5
Freddies United-cup™ 1,750 8
Hoogvliet 730 1,750 9
Huissensedwalen 1,750 6
Jong heren 2 1,750 12
Labor Holland 1,750 10
Lupineweg 65 1,750 6
NA88NU24 1,750 10
Niels en z'n kinderarm 1,750 5