Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
13325 Abraham EK poule 2024 1,918 8
Banditos 1,918 10
Bijzonder Thuis 1,918 10
Boumannetjes 1,918 5
Casa Sporken 1,918 6
CICT 1,918 6
Club portside (bakboord) 1,918 7
De Gele Accu's 2de divisie 1,918 8
De Kneuzen!!! 1,918 6
De Sluftertjes 1,918 5
Delda Sport EK Pool 1,918 24
Digilock 1,918 10
Doornroosjes 1,918 7
Egomokum’s Mooisten 1,918 6
EK 2024 FVB 1,918 9
EK 2024 van de Lemmertjes 1,918 5
EK 2024!!!!!!! 1,918 9
ek rsp 1,918 13
Familie Groeneveld poule 1,918 6
Familie klei 1,918 11
Familie Lemmers WK 2023 1,918 6
Familie simon 1,918 6
HSC 1,918 7
Idospeed 1,918 6
Kunst en Co 1,918 8