Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
1714 Beuk accountants en belastingadviseurs 2,313 38
BigBrother EK2024 2,313 24
Bubbels en ballen 2,313 13
Club Pellikaan Amersfoort 2,313 21
De coolste poulste 2,313 16
De Koningh 2,313 33
EK 2024 €€€ 2,313 16
EK 2024 Berkelbar boys 2,313 14
Ek 2024 poulee 2,313 13
EK sgraveland 2,313 19
EK VCG 2,313 13
En a’kik da doen, ist rood! 2,313 8
Faggot enzo knol 2,313 10
FC Concent 2,313 20
FLE ESC EURO’S Poule 2,313 32
Gemeente Utrecht 2,313 42
Hogeboompjes 2,313 14
Keizers Metaal EK 2024 2,313 13
Kippie pool 2,313 10
LMG Pool 2,313 13
Locus People HIA - EK 2024 2,313 16
Oranje Badeendjes 2,313 36
Peut EK Pool 2,313 14
Poker en BBQ meisters 2,313 30