Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
20546 Sibonnegies 1,135 10
Theballers 1,135 5
Zwijntje078 1,135 6
20554 Vredenburch Jo13-2 1,134 5
20555 De hansjes 1,133 5
Double sports tp 1,133 5
Les Pioupiou 1,133 7
MMJNS 1,133 5
Woonzorg onderweg 1,133 6
Zakthee ass 1,133 9
20561 De Hollies en Snotneus 1,132 6
Edible Rose🍷 1,132 6
Huize HD 1,132 5
Marne 2024 vwo poule 1,132 5
Team Schomaker Meubels 1,132 8
20566 EK poule NL Sven 1,131 5
EK Poule Sellies 1,131 5
Micro Bjorn 1,131 6
20569 Chris is lief 1,130 5
Familie… 1,130 5
20571 Ballende boys 1,128 7
Brinklicht EK poule 1,128 5
De oelemse prutsers 1,128 6
ibiza boys 1,128 6
Platerinkjes 1,128 5