Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
2292 EKuipertjes2024 2,171 15
Fam Van Dijk 2,171 16
Familie!poule 2,171 19
FC de Rakt JO17 2,171 15
Finifit EK2024 poule 2,171 39
GCL EK 2024 2,171 15
Hogeboompjes 2,171 14
Hopla 2024😱🇩🇪⚽️🏟️ 2,171 11
Hot EK 2024 2,171 13
Hups EK-poule 2,171 21
kno-super EK-pool2024 2,171 29
Poliservice B.V. 2,171 24
Poulehake 2,171 12
Rotterdam (Ek) 2,171 23
Schwalbe Koningen 2,171 12
TE Eredivisie 2,171 16
TEAM A+J 2,171 23
TeamEKpro 2,171 25
TowMotive 2,171 22
Verzuimbeheer 2,171 11
🦁VFL de nieuwe kamer 2024 2,171 12
VolkerWessels F&C en ICT club 2,171 28
VPK Packaging EK 2024 POULE 2,171 61
Wedoenhetvoordelolmaarwillenwelgraagwinnen! 2,171 14